Sunday, August 2, 2015

July 28 - July 31. Tripping

I haven't written anything these days because we were on holiday in Moravia, the south-east of the Czech Republic. I must admit that although my country is pretty small, there are still plenty of beautiful places I haven't visited.

The holiday was cool and we really enjoyed it, although from the first day (Tuesday) we started feeling sick. My boyfriend actually started before, on Sunday. I blame the partying and dancing outside at the Saturday's wedding. It's now Sunday and we both are ill with some kind of flu. But the trip, as I said, was worth making! Just see for yourself!

Brno, the second biggest city of the Czech Republic: 

The City Hall
We were already a bit sick... but we had to taste the beer.
The Cathedral of Saint Peter and Paul, which we also have on our 10-crown coin.
The view from the Cathedral's tower.
Brno at night! This magical ball is made of beer mugs.
Lednice Chateau ('lednice' meaning 'fridge') is an incredible chateau, which is now a part of UNESCO world heritage.

It looks like we got this picture from the internet, but no...

The town of Valtice. There are wine cellars all over this little town, which also has incredible square with a stunning church and a chateau a few hundred meters away.

I'm writing a postcard for my sister.

And finally the town of Mikulov, a name of which resembles a bit my last name. We fell in love with the town, although we spent most of the time blowing our noses and making stops to have something warm.

Majestic view...
The town and Svatý kopeček - 'Holy Hill'

On top of Svatý kopeček

The fertile fields of Moravia
Mikulov in the evening - incredible!
You can see Kozí Hrádek (Goat's little castle) at the back.

Holy Hill at night
The view of the church and the town's chateau.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

July 27. Monday, Picture Day.

12:30 am
It's time for hedgehogs to have sex under our window. The night is warm and all I hear is wild sniffing and heavy breathing. Oh, I love summer...

7:15 pm

After a busy teaching day I go to my mum's house where I meet up with my sister and we take some cool pictures. That's more or less everything I did today. Oh, one more thing, I almost forgot. I found more twin yolk in an egg. What happened to these hens?

Monday, July 27, 2015

July 26. Sunny Sunday.

Today they are only few activities worth mentioning. I will be short as I am too sleepy and still haven't fully recovered from my "wild" celebrating and not sleeping at least 8 hours a day.

1. We had scrambled eggs for breakfast. I chose 6 eggs which ended up having 9 yolks in total! The first time I found a twin egg and it happened twice in the same "batch".

2. I did yoga followed by some other exercises.

3. I visited my old friend. We used to be sort of best buddies when we were 16 and then didn't see each other much after high school, so we had a good chat on her balcony. I went to her place by scooter and it was a good workout.

4. My boyfriend and I finally planned a holiday for the next week - we are going to Moravia!

5. I felt kind of dizzy all day, I guess I need to sleep much more.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

July 25. Saturday, Wedding Day.

Today was a short and good day. I will tell you all about it tomorrow when I wake up cause now I'm too tired.

Here's a summary: 
  • We woke up very late.
  • It rained a lot for 8 minutes and then it got sunny and hot again. In the evening the temperature dropped substantially (to satisfy all kinds of Czechs out here, I guess - I wonder id anybody complained).
  • I applied a mud mask on my face.
  • We attended an international wedding , I had two small beers and danced to a small acoustic rock concert. And jumped like 1 meter high (barefoot) while they were playing Nirvana's Smells Like Teen Spirit.

See you tomorrow!

Friday, July 24, 2015

July 24. Friday, Post-hangover day

7:50 am
I wake up because I promised to show my student M how to use Skype. We agreed to have Skype lessons in the near future. She used to be a complete beginner and would come to the class twice a week until she had to give labor (almost literally, she gave birth something like 5 days after our last lesson and I always admired how she could manage studying while she was feeling so tired). Now she is at home with a 5 week old baby girl.

8:55 am
I take a nap again.

10:03 am
I'm woken up by a phone call. My other student is calling. She is feeling too bad to have the lesson today. I'm so sleepy but try to sound super energetic. One good thing is I still get paid for this lesson as it is arranged through a language school. This day is gonna be good. But for now, good night!

10:40 am
Wakey wakey! Ugh. My eyes are tired. I have some sort of breakfast - lots of different kinds of tea with whole-wheat cookies.
Yoga, laudry, music.
Here's a song Markýza andělů by a charismatic Czech singer-songwriter and actor Ondřej Brzobohatý.

12:00 pm
"To je ale dusno," says my neighbor as I go out with a bag full of wet laundry. I love hanging clothes outside. Her statement would translate as 'What a stuffy day.' It's been hot and sunny for several days and it hasn't rained. Czech people love to complain, and if it's about weather, they love it even more. I engage in these kinds of conversations to be polite but I always say that I'm happy it's hot.

I know it's not only with Czechs, but I think us Czechs are a bit extreme about this:
  • "It's terrible. It's so cold! I want some sun."
  • "Ugh. It's so hot. I wish it rained a bit, the plants in my garden are getting dry."
  • "It's been raining like forever. There's no sunshine."
  • "It's too hot!"

It's a circle. I know who's to blame. Of course: the weather! :-D But hey, we have to learn to be happy with what we have. We rarely have forest fires, flooding, earthquakes and tornadoes, so what else do we want?

12:45 pm
Time to make lunch. My boyfriend is coming over to eat with me and I'm super happy because I told you I don't like eating alone. I got a big zucchini from my mum's garden (weighs over 1.5 kilos) and I'm going to make pasta from it.

It's massive! (That's what she said, hahahaha. Sorry, but I couldn't help it, it was too tempting.)

1:15 pm
My boyfriend and I are cooking together. Julienne peeler was a good investment: 69 Kč. We use it quite often to make zucchini or carrot stripes. It's a lot of fun to make them. I peeled the zucchini (by the way, I hate typing this word, I always misspell it) and my boyfriend cooked minced meat with vegetables and tomato sauce - bolognese style.

1:40 pm
We are having lunch while watching an episode of Sex and the City. The lunch is delicious and definitely nutritious!

3:05 pm
Another load of washed clothes. Doing laundry is a never-ending story. I said I like hanging clothes outside, but not so much when I'm in a hurry. I promised to meet a friend at around 2 pm. I'm late again (and yet I'm here typing). One load of laundry means over 30 minutes of my time.

  • choosing which clothes to wash + checking for stains that need stain remover: 5-10 minutes
  • hanging the clothes: 10 minutes
  • taking the clothes down: 5-10 minutes
  • folding the clothes:  10 minutes

But I'm so glad that we have a washing machine and we don't iron most of the clothes :-)

3:09 pm
Time to go.

3:20 pm
My friend and I need to catch up; I haven't seen her in several months. She made ice coffee for us, I tried her homemade pizza and then ate a piece of her mum's blueberry cake. My lips and teeth are purple. Could life get any better?

6:45 pm
We are going to Prague to celebrate my boyfriend's birthday (preliminarily). I will be the designated driver because I don't want to drink anyway (I wonder why? :-D). 

8:00 pm
We are at a hamburger restaurant where I drink a "radler" at the beginning and from then on until 3:30 am I drink water. I am incredibly sleepy but with energy, it's such a weird feeling. I could run as quickly as I can if it could be with my eyes closed. My eyelids are too heavy. We are having fun though.